As part of our continued commitment to ensuring transparency, accountability and ethical working conditions in the supply chain and operations of any proposed supplier or manufacturer, we fully support the legislation put in place for the prevention of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Which includes the Transparency in Supply Chains Provision (Section 54) of the Modern Slavery Act (2015).



Modern slavery is when one person possesses or controls another person in such a way as to significantly deprive that person of their individual liberty, with the intention of exploiting that person through their use, profit, transfer or disposal.

Modern slavery is an overarching term used to describe its various forms:

  • Human trafficking - a process of bringing a person into a situation of exploitation through a series of actions, including deceptive recruitment and coercion.

  • Forced and compulsory labour - any work or services which people are not doing voluntarily and which is exacted under a threat of some form of punishment

  • Bonded labour - any work or services demanded as a means of repayment of a debt or a loan

  • Slavery - a situation where a person exercises (perceived) power of ownership over another person.



Fashion Delivered is committed to ensuring all our proposed suppliers and manufacturers are transparent in both their manufacturing processes and setup, and this is why we insist that they are always open to inspection of their premises and set-up. We also ensure that they are able to provide all the relevant reports to evidence their continued adherence to the strictest of practices in apparel manufacture.

We are committed to continuously improving our practices to help support the eradication of Modern Slavery, to promote fair pay policies in all areas of our own supply chains and operations, and to support stakeholder and industry level activity to continue to tackle these issues.

Last updated - February 2025.